Thursday, 9 October 2008

Session 6

Today we welcomed the mighty Jim Poyner to the Behind No Doors project.

After planning the photo concepts last week the group were ready to compose and shoot their ideas for real, over a range of locations and using the highest quality equipment.

Aims –

Turn a photo concept into a photo composition

Work with a professional photographer

Learn photography skills such as direction, capture and lighting

Jim took the original ideas for the shoots and added his expert professional knowledge and talents to help the crew capture their shots.

The results were outstanding!

The group were asked to respond to the following statement

"I know how to turn a photo concept into a photo composition"

The red marks show how they felt, as a group, at the beginning of the session and the green marks show how they felt at the end.

Next week we will be looking through the images and selecting the best shots to go forward to the design stage.

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