Thursday, 30 October 2008

Interview : Alan Jenks

Next the crew dropped in to meet Harrogate Borough Council's Head of Housing, Alan Jenks.

Interview : Gill Hewitt

Gill invited the crew into her home to talk about her experience of being a Barnardos Crashpad Host.

Production Day 2

With yesterday's interviews in the can, the crew gathered together to record more of their narrative monologues before heading out for a second day's shoot.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Interview : Keith Watts

Last on the schedule was a chat with Keith Watts from Harrogate Borough Council's Howztalk project.

Interview : Drew and Ginge

Next on the schedule we headed to the Harrogate Homeless Project to meet two residents at the hostel, Drew and Ginge.

Interview : Bryony Rodgers

First up, we went to meet Bryony Rodgers a Young Person's Development Worker at the TRAX centre.

Production Day 1

The preparation is over, the batteries are charged and the questions are ready...

Its time for production to commence!

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Narrative Timelines

The crew used their individual narrative timelines as a platform from which to participate in interviews. The interviews were shot in the garden at Hyper (in the freezing cold)!

This was the first real experience of conducting interviews and delivered some excellent results. Getting hands-on with two professional cameras and sound equipment gave the crew vital experience to help us through the next three days of shooting.

Pre-Production Session 2

Today's session was our chance to spend some more time crunching through the pre-production process.

Time was spent completing the personal narrative timelines and from them developing short pieces of writing. These will be used later in the production stage.

The group then decided on what would be the best questions to ask each other in the interviews in order to draw out the best responses.

The group also discussed the options for interviewing other people within the community and from the short list we decided on a final shooting schedule.

The aims of the session were

- Complete a personal narrative time line

- Communicate your personal narrative time line

- Construct and shoot an interview

The group were asked to respond to the following statement

"I can communicate a narrative time line to camera"

The blue marks show how they felt, as a group, at the beginning of the session and the green marks show how they felt at the end.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Movement Arts with Nic Hobson

Nic moved the crew through their paces today with some interesting activities. The focus and commitment was fantastic as different elements of their individual experience were explored as a collective.

Firstly a series of freeze frames were created and played out in sequence to create the beginnings of a narrative. Then Nic encouraged the group to do some improvisation using some of the Blog content as a reference. Finally the various different elements were put together with a focus on performing to the film camera. The final performance revolved around the constant feature of a sofa at centre stage.

The results were really inspiring and quite moving to watch.

This gives us a great spring board into the film element for the rest of the week.

Well done people!