The group worked on a male and a female character. They drew the character outline on a piece of paper.

Outside the character they wrote down situations, influences, experiences and actions which they associated with youth homelessness.

- Need Support - Break up of family - Mental Health problems - No money - Bullying -
Family problems - Ran away - Drugs influence - estranged from parents - unable to handle emotions - bereavement - breakdown - alcohol - off the rails - uncoordinated - smell bad -
fear of being attacked - disability - parents can't cope - domestic violence - labelled - untidy -
debt - begging - Troublesome youth - drugs - rough - skint - violence
Inside the character they wrote down thoughts, feelings and emotions which they may be feeling as a result of these outside things.

- Angry - Lost - Confused - hungry - upset - abandoned - stressed - Bored - Alone - sick -
tired - lonely - sorry for mistakes - unloved - unwanted - pressured - hate - stressed -
physically and emotionally tired - disconnected - need escape - no hope - pain - sense of loss -
irritated - morbid - suicidal - betrayed - failure -
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